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PostgreSql x MariaDB(Mysql) - As Service

- Posted in Trebas College by

Today I don't want to compare MariaDB(Mysql) with PostgreSQL. I just want to share with you some ways to fastly start these databases as a Service for free.

** Just remember that MariaDB is not the same as Mysql. MariaDB is a community fork from Mysql.

I am talking about a study or test proposal.

The ElephantSql, the name refers to an animal that represents PostgreSql, and you can do your register at https://www.elephantsql.com/

The Skysql, you will receive 500$ to spend with your MariaDB databases. To register an account you can just click on the link https://mariadb.com/products/skysql/get-started/ [Remember to stop the service after you use]

But you can ask me: what is your proposal with this share?

Between 2022-10-31 and 2022-11-04, professor Iyad Koteich asks me to present some examples of using ETL with Pentaho(PDI). We will do an ETL process with Python, and then, we will do the same with Pentaho(PDI).

The main purpose is that you can understand the ETL pipeline at Pentaho.

All the files and requirements will be here, and you can download them on GitHub (https://github.com/ed2ti/Pentaho_Data_Integration)

Thank you Professor Iyad Koteich for this new challenger.